1 3 Se p 20 01 How to calculate A - Hilb C 3 Alastair Craw
Nakamura [N] introduced the G-Hilbert scheme G-Hilb C3 for a finite subgroup G ⊂ SL(3, C), and conjectured that it is a crepant resolution of the quotient C3/G. He proved this for a diagonal Abelian group A by introducing an explicit algorithm that calculates A-HilbC3. This note calculates A-Hilb C3 much more simply, in terms of fun with continued fractions plus regular tesselations by equilateral triangles. 1 Statement of the result 1.1 The junior simplex and three Newton polygons Let A ⊂ SL(3,C) be a diagonal subgroup acting on C. Write L ⊃ Z for the overlattice generated by all the elements of A written in the form 1 r (a1, a2, a3). The junior simplex ∆ (compare [IR], [R]) has 3 vertexes e1 = (1, 0, 0), e2 = (0, 1, 0) and e3 = (0, 0, 1). Write R∆ for the affine plane spanned by ∆, and Z 2 ∆ = L ∩ R 2 ∆ for the corresponding affine lattice. Taking each ei in turn as origin, construct the Newton polygons obtained as the convex hull of the lattice points in ∆ \ ei (see Figure 1.a): fi,0, fi,1, fi,2, . . . , fi,ki+1, (1.1) where fi,0 is the primitive vector along the side [ei, ei−1], and fi,ki+1 that along [ei, ei+1]. (The indices i, i ± 1 are cyclic. Also, since ei is the origin, the notation fi,j denotes both the lattice point of ∆ and the corresponding
منابع مشابه
1 5 Se p 19 99 How to calculate A - Hilb C 3 Alastair Craw
Nakamura [N] introduced the G-Hilbert scheme for a finite subgroup G ⊂ SL(3, C), and conjectured that it is a crepant resolution of the quotient C3/G. He proved this for a diagonal Abelian group A by introducing an explicit algorithm that calculates A-HilbC3. This note calculates A-HilbC3 much more simply, in terms of fun with continued fractions plus regular tesselations by equilateral triangl...
متن کامل0 An explicit construction of the McKay correspondence for A - Hilb C 3
For a finite Abelian subgroup A ⊂ SL(3,C), Ito and Nakajima [IN00] established an isomorphism between the K-theory of Nakamura’s A-Hilbert scheme A-Hilb C3 and the representation ring of A. This leads to a basis of the rational cohomology of A-Hilb C3 in one-to-one correspondence with the irreducible representations of A. In this paper we construct an explicit basis of the integral cohomology o...
متن کاملAn explicit construction of the McKay correspondence for A-Hilb C
For a finite Abelian subgroup A ⊂ SL(3,C), let Y = A -Hilb(C3) denote the scheme parametrising A-clusters in C3. Ito and Nakajima proved that the tautological line bundles (indexed by the irreducible representations of A) form a basis of the K-theory of Y . We establish the relations between these bundles in the Picard group of Y and hence, following a recipe introduced by Reid, construct an ex...
متن کاملThe Coherent Component of the Moduli of Mckay Quiver Representations for Abelian Groups
For a finite abelian group G ⊂ GL(n, k), we describe the coherent component Yθ of the moduli space Mθ of McKay quiver representations. This is a not-necessarily-normal toric variety that admits a projective birational morphism Yθ → A/G obtained by variation of GIT quotient. We present a simple calculation to determine the quiver representation corresponding to any point of Yθ, and describe the ...
متن کامل. A G ] 1 7 Fe b 20 03 Flops of G - Hilb and equivalences of derived categories by variation of GIT quotient Alastair Craw and Akira Ishii
For a finite subgroup G ⊂ SL(3,C), Bridgeland, King and Reid proved that the moduli space of G-clusters is a crepant resolution of the quotient C/G. This paper considers the moduli spaces Mθ, introduced by Kronheimer and further studied by Sardo Infirri, which coincide with G -Hilb for a particular choice of GIT parameter θ. For G Abelian, we prove that every projective crepant resolution of C/...
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